sphero go
sphero go

TheGobotSpheroAdaptor&DrivermakesiteasytointeractwithSpherousingGo....LearnmoreabouttheSpherorobotgohere:http://www.gosphero.com/.API ...,使用搖桿和彈弓控制,傾斜裝置或使用您的聲音。我們的運動主題操控模式樂趣無窮,您可以揮動裝置玩「高爾夫球」*,...


SpherotransformsthewaykidsPK–12learnwithafun,comprehensiveapproachtoSTEAM(that'sSTEM+Art)andcomputerscience.Ourcodingrobots,design-and- ...

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Sphero with Gobot

The Gobot Sphero Adaptor & Driver makes it easy to interact with Sphero using Go. ... Learn more about the Sphero robot go here: http://www.gosphero.com/. API ...

Sphero Play

使用搖桿和彈弓控制,傾斜裝置或使用您的聲音。我們的運動主題操控模式樂趣無窮,您可以揮動裝置玩「高爾夫球」*,或輕彈以「踢出」您的機器人。 色塊操控程式設計使用色彩 ...


Sphero transforms the way kids PK–12 learn with a fun, comprehensive approach to STEAM (that's STEM + Art) and computer science. Our coding robots, design-and- ...

Download Sphero App

The Sphero Edu app is your hub to create, contribute, and learn with Sphero robots. Go beyond code by incorporating unique STEAM activities to complete with ...

Coding Robots

Create a powerful learning environment in your home or classroom with Sphero robots. Made for kids of all ages & skill levels.

Sphero Indi 在家學習套組

Sphero Indi 在家學習套組- 適合4 歲以上兒童的無螢幕編碼機器人- 建造迷宮,學習計算思維- 像工程師一樣解決問題- 教育STEM玩具,適合創意思維。 Sphero Indi 在家學習 ...

Sphero Bolt - 編碼機器人球- 初學者到進階編程

Amazon.com: Sphero Bolt - 編碼機器人球- 初學者到進階編程- 8 歲以上- 學習編碼3 種方式:繪圖、積木、Javascript - 可程式感測器- LED 矩陣- 耐用且防水設計: 玩具和 ...


TheGobotSpheroAdaptor&DrivermakesiteasytointeractwithSpherousingGo....LearnmoreabouttheSpherorobotgohere:http://www.gosphero.com/.API ...,使用搖桿和彈弓控制,傾斜裝置或使用您的聲音。我們的運動主題操控模式樂趣無窮,您可以揮動裝置玩「高爾夫球」*,或輕彈以「踢出」您的機器人。色塊操控程式設計使用色彩 ...,SpherotransformsthewaykidsPK–12learnwithafun,comprehensiveapproachtoSTEAM(that'sSTEM+Art)a...